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Welcome to my blog! Life is good at my house. Great family and wonderful friends make for great moments.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Cancer, the ugliest word ever!

My dad has cancer.  4 simple words that have changed so many lives.  He's 83, he was in perfect health, and he took care of my mom.  Cancer eats away and deteriorates your body.  It is unrelenting and cares nothing for the person it is destroying.  It can come out of nowhere and throw everything you've ever known out the window.  It is ugly and it is mean. I really want to blame his doctor who didn't give my dad a prostate exam for the whole 12 years he was seeing him.  I want to shout and yell and kick and scream.  I want someone to tell me it isn't true.

He and my mom are now out of their home of 27 years.  Most of their belongings have been sold or given away, and they now reside in assisted living. I see them every day, I help my mom get dressed and watch my dad sleep, a lot.  I bring their laundry home and buy a few groceries for them.  My dad likes crackers and milk, my mom loves yogurt.  The small pleasures in their lives, and I would do anything to bring them a simple pleasure.

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