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Saturday, October 27, 2012

I like the small simple things in life.Out of simple things come great moments with great memories.
 The other day as I was walking out of my school, I watched as the pre-school parents picked up their children.  It had been raining and there were still numerous  puddles of water scattered across the playground.  I noticed one little girl who had found a particular larger puddle having the time of her life stomping in it as hard as her little feet could stomp!  I was enjoying the show she was putting on when I also noticed her mom a little ways off just standing there watching and waiting for her. My heart warmed as I observed her patience with her little girl.

I remember when I was raising my children.  I don't know if I would have ever allowed them to stomp in puddles!  I pictured myself saying, "Don't get your shoes all wet, you'll ruin them!"  Well, now where are those precious little shoes that mattered so much then?  Long gone, along with the opportunity of a great memory!  I wish I would have been more like the mom I saw at the playground, allowing her child to enjoy the simple things in life, even if it is just a good puddle stompin!

  If I had to do it all over, I would have let my kids stomp in the puddles and play in the mud!  I hope they have some good memories of me being patient while they were young, for their childhood went by so fast!  I loved being a mom of four young children.  Loved every minute of it!  Now they are all adults and I am loving this stage of life also!

 To moms out there who are still in that younger stage, may I just leave you with a word of advice.  Enjoy your kids!  Let them laugh at silly moments and laugh with them.  Hold your tongue when temptations flare with their little antics.  Above all,  let them stomp in the puddles of life!

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